EPIC PRODUCTIONS: You grew up a drummer, so music has clearly always had a strong presence in your life, but what drew you to electronic music and music production?
I kind of started dabbling into the thought of producing in high school. I was into hip-hop and rap and always thought the beats were so sick, it’s pretty crazy how like an instrumental can capture your attention. But I never really tried it, I made like one shitty rap beat in high school. I started DJing in college and it was just fun to make people happy through music, and realized if I want to go far, I need to make my own tracks, and slowly it became an obsession from there. So yeah, that’s how it all started!
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: What challenges have you faced thus far in the industry and what have you done to over come these challenges?
I think the hardest part was getting my name out and getting people to take me seriously. So, I mean, locally in my area I got my name out there relatively quickly by doing college events. So now, I’m in LA trying to expand on a bigger picture, you know? I did house parties over and over, and then my best friend Ron hooked me up with a show to open for RL Grime, which was my kick-start. Last thing, I waited a long time before putting anything out because you only get one debut, so I want to be proud of what I do and that’ll reflect and help people take me seriously.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: What has been your favorite experience regarding music and why?
Besides the shows and good reactions from the stuff that I make, I think my favorite experience that I’m very blessed to have is my internship with Party Thieves. Um, it’s taught me a lot about the business side of music, handling people, promos, merch, and he’s absolutely killing it right now. And his manager, Josh, has been really challenging me to think critically, and it’s helped me grow as a person which I think is a not so obvious experience and it’s really unique, so I’ll never forget it.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: You’re still in college, attending Icon, working an internship, and making music. How do you balance all of these different aspects of your life while still being able to work on defining your sound?
I mean, it’s definitely a struggle trying to juggle everything. They’re all awesome and important into shaping myself into who I want to be. But honestly, I go about it by having a really set schedule. Wake up, go hit the gym, go to class, do some work and emails, do homework, and then yeah that’s a wrap. So honestly, you know just grind and give up some sleep, and it’ll pay off in the end.

EPIC PRODUCTIONS: Who has been your biggest music inspiration and why?
I have a lot of inspirations so it’s pretty tough to pick. But one of the more recent ones I’ve been inspired by is G-Eazy. I mean, young Gerald is killing the game right now it’s insane! I’ve been lucky to play with him and meet him a few times. But the dude knows work ethic, he grinds, and he’s a beast producer. He produced his first album on his own pretty much and really started from the bottom, he just resonates to me. G, if you’re reading this let’s hit the studio.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: You are set to release a remix of Real Love next week, what motivated you to create the track?
We had to remake a Clean Bandit song at Icon for synth class, and I was like damn, I forgot how good Jess Glynne’s vocals are. So that set it off, I found the acapella, and them my roommate Dryden (shout out his music is tight) inspired me to do some future bass vibes. It just happened super naturally from there.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: How would you describe the track in your own words?
I’m not really clever with words or else I’d be a rapper right now, but I’d just say chill, laidback, that’s about it. I just wanted to make something I can listen to wherever like in my car, at the gym, or at a show. Just something that has a good vibe that would hit me and hopefully other people.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: If you could go B2B with any DJ in the world, who would it be, at what event would it take place at, and why?
Oh no question, it would have to be RL Grime. Oh man, he kills it! It would definitely be main-stage Hard Summer, because nothing’s more wild than RL in LA. They go HAM for him since it’s his hometown. He’s my favorite producer, so I’ll stop before I fan-girl too much.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: What do you have in store for 2016?
A lot. For my solo project, more releases and some vocal originals. I’m also starting a project with my roommate, which will be straight bangers, because we love to turn up at our sets and use this as a creative outlet to make that kind of stuff. So, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see it unfold.
EPIC PRODUCTIONS: Last question, and I always end with this. Favorite food of all time?
100% sushi hands down. If you don’t like sushi, IDFWU. But I still FWU, so just fix that part of your life and we’ll be best friends.
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