Hyperglow:​ ​Offering​ ​a​ ​Dance​ ​Music​ ​Experience

With-i ecen ears, anc usi a ndoubtedl onopolize h ve opula arty scene. hethe lubs, ous arties, the ocia vents, anc usi a a f keepin h nerg ig n h ibe ositive. J r ourin verywher n eem s thoug lectroni ultur ecomin ug ar h rba ifestyle. h is opularity ha e assiv ncreas h umbe enue n ven ompanie uttin lectronic musi vents. Hyperglow us n the arg lectroni usi ompan mergin it h ise o DM, oweve ha he ffe uc ore.  

Hyperglow Tour "America's Largest Touring Glow Experience" is growing into a one a kind Electronic Dance Music production and promotions company. Combining high-energy dance music with mind blowing Performances, Live Art, and Body Painting which is enhanced by an atmosphere illuminated in Ultra Violet Glow.

 Describe or “experience” ha ctua oncert, yperglow im e th ul ackag art vent. od ainting, lo rt, n tat h r igh ystem r us fe h eature yperglow a ffer. inc h er eginning, he av rough ome o h ottes J n iv erformer h cene, n ho ign topping. Hyperglow s a lectroni usi ho ik on ther, ru us o hos ryin arty.  

 Ticket o h yperglo 017 ou r al HERE

Thei ex at il h Oakdal heater Wallingford, onnecticut anuary 27th. icket as ur um he SAP! 

I o av ve ee yperglow e’ ov no ou xperienc he comment ectio elow. 

Kevin PraetComment