Lightning in a Bottle: The Village Speaker Lineup Released

The speaker lineup for The Village at Lightning in a Bottle 2015 was released this week which is nothing short of inspiring. LIB will be celebrating its 10th annual event this year and it is sure to be spectacular featuring speakers such as Wind Creek Yavapai elder Grandmother Marz Millar, Kalita Todd, and artists such as Flume, SBTRKT, Panda Bear, Odesza, and RL Grime.

LIB, for those of you who don’t know, is an award winning festival that celebrates art, music, performance, sustainability and life. It takes place in at the San Antonio Recreation Area in Bradley, CA, this Memorial Day Weekend (May 21-25). To better understand just how all-inclusive and down to earth this festival is, check out this year’s video.

The Village, one of many separate sections of LIB, is a place where festival goers can gather to learn about traditional earth-based knowledge and skills, as well as ways to honor and integrate them into modern life. “Home is Where Our Stories Live,” this year’s theme of The Village, hammers home the idea that The Village is a home away from home where all are welcomed and are given the opportunity to not only connect with each other but the sacred land we all call home no matter where we are on the planet.

Featured speaker, Elder Grandmother Marza Millar, one of the last grandmothers of the Wind Creek Yavapai in Sedona, Arizona will share her knowledge on “Hopi Prophecies and the Cycles of Time.” Also, Kalita Todd will open festival goers eyes to “Enlightened Activism,” and share her 45 years of experience in the organic farm and food co-op movements. For the full lineup of speakers and their presentation titles, see the image above.

The wealth of intellectual and worldly speakers is not all The Village has to offer festival goers. The Village features four main areas:

  • The Community Lodge holds an art gallery, tea and elixir lounge, and the primary speaker and workshop zone;
  • The Sacred Fire is the heart of The Village where daily sunset ceremonies will be led by Village elders to offer gratitude at the close of each day. It will also host the Opening and Closing ceremonies for the entire festival on Thursday and Monday respectively;
  • The Ancestral Arts Arbor will be home to a variety of hands-on classes featuring traditional earth-based skills such as fire by friction, carving, cloud reading, and leather crafts;
  • Lastly, The House of Mystics, offers and intimate space for diving deeper into the realms of intuition building and mystical practices such as psychic protection, tarot, subtle body anatomy, and an introduction to ritual practice.

LIB’s one of a kind experience not only has a solid lineup but also bonds festival goers to the earth and everyone around in a way that no other festival does. If you are looking for a soul-searching journey, inspiring speakers, creative workshops, great music, and an even greater sense of community LIB is the place for you to be this Memorial Day Weekend.

To learn more about LIB, the company that makes it possible (The Do LaB), and the other festival areas go to

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